NPDD/Baobáxia/ISOC Community Grants 2013

De Rede Mocambos
< NPDD | Baobáxia
Edição feita às 18h10min de 28 de março de 2013 por Vince (disc | contribs)
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14 Project Summary

Please write a brief summary of your Project, indicating why the Project is important,
whom will benefit, what need is being addressed, how your project is going to address
it and how it relates to the Internet Society Strategic objectives.

Project Baobáxia deals with the idealization, development and implementation of a distributed architecture, focused on integrating local networks even in places where the internet link is unstable, slow and also unavailable. Based on experience gained by Rede Mocambos, that works on integrating around two hundred quilombolas and traditional communities in all brazilian regions through appropriation of technologies also to overcome the precariousness of internet access that become an impediment for an effective communication between these communities and the world. That is why there is the idea of ​​a distributed architecture, based entirely on free and open technologies to integrate federated autonomous networks eventually connected. The project is based on the creation of local services that enable working with network communication in each locality, even when the Internet is not available - storing data for later synchronization, offering local content and software mirrors, adapting the technological development to local demands and conditions.

15 Project background and justification

State concisely what Community, networking or educational need is being addressed by your project.

The project starts on concept that we need to develope information and telecommunication technologies that really satisfy society's needings. This project it's a part of Rede Mocambos tecnological strategy that focus on empowering communication through appropriation of ICTs in around two hundred communities localized all over Brazil. They are Rural and urban quilombos, indigenous aldeias, terreiros and associations beside attivists and researchers that use internet as a tool for engagement and cooperation. While respecting the uniqueness and self-determination of each of these contexts, can be found among them many points in common: the question of territory in its multiple dimensions, resistance to homogenization of cultural expressions, seeking recovery of the tradition as tool of insertion to a contemporary world with more room for diversity; practical and concrete criticism to individualistic and consumerist society, creating sustainable alternatives; the ubiquitous condition of precariousness of communication infrastructures. Many communities are in remote locations, which usually attract little or no interest from telecommunications companies, generally oriented only by profit. Even with support of public program against digital divide like GESAC and Telecentros.BR, the Rede Mocambos frequently meet the worstest condition on connectivity to develope its actions. They are places where internet access is extremily slow, or it's available only intermittently. We believe it is necessary to plead better connection to all of these communities, but we also know that there is no instant solution.

16 Resource justification

Why are you (the applicant) the most capable Chapter or individual to address this need?

I work with governmental and community programs against digital divide since 2005. I studied Computer Science with specialization in Network Programming, where my final work was about "Eventually connected federated network". Since 2006 I'm working togheter with "Rede Mocambos" and now I'm coordinating the "Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Digital" (Mocambos' Digital R&D Group) of this network.


Computer Science degree at “Università degli Studi di Firenze”, Italy.

Professional experiences:

  • Full System Analyst at Technological Department of Brazilian Presidency of the Republic;
  • Coordinator of Tech team of GESAC, national program against digital divide of Brazilian Ministry of Communication;
  • Member of migration to Free Software working group of Brazilian Federal Government;
  • Consultant for many project of innovation and use of ICTs in Brazil, Italy, Mozambique and South Sudan.

17 Key Individuals

Please list the name, location and responsibilities/roles of the Project team.
Name Location Responsibilities/roles
Vincenzo Tozzi Brasília/DF Project coordinator
Ronaldo Eli Olinda/PE Community coordinator
Say Malta Itacare/BA Community coordinator
Paulo Barbosa Porto Alegre/RS Community coordinator
Antonio Carlos dos Santos Silva Campinas/SP Community and Mocambos network coordinator
Farid Abdelnour Brasília/DF Developer
Nara Oliveira Brasília/DF Art designer

18 Objectives

Along with the goals outlined in the Project summary, detail the specific objectives of the project.
Remember objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
  • Install a decentralized network architecture (starting with 5 nodes) that follow special needings of Mocambos Network communities, that will be the base to offer local and online services;
  • Create a digital archive of multimedia contents, decentralized and synced between local servers based on the proposed architecture installed in the communities;

19 Method

Describe how you will achieve the Project objectives (strategy, methodology, scope and
boundaries, evaluation…)

O projeto será conduzido pelo NPDD (Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Digital da Rede Mocambos), em sinergia com os demais Núcleos (NPC, de Produção de Conteúdos e NFC de Formação Continuada). À equipe fixa de desenvolvedores se somará a participação de colaboradores, especialistas em diferentes áreas. Sob a coordenação do NPDD, o desenvolvimento se dará de forma distribuída, utilizando-se ferramentas colaborativas via internet como git, wiki e irc. A metodologia de desenvolvimento seguirá o modelo "Agile" que prevê o lançamento frequente de código funcionante para avaliação contínua por parte dos usuários finais, permitindo a correção e a melhoria ao longo do trabalho.

Em pelo menos dois momentos serão realizados sprints de desenvolvimento - encontros imersivos de trabalho, com duração de três dias. O primeiro se dará no início do desenvolvimento, focado em explorar demandas de design, arquitetura e programação, para então orientar os esforços posteriores, que se darão de forma distribuída. O segundo sprint, realizado alguns meses depois do efetivo início do desenvolvimento, terá por objetivo avaliar os caminhos tomados pela equipe, aprofundar as estratégias de desenvolvimento que funcionaram e corrigir o que for necessário. Se possível, ainda haverá um sprint ao fim do processo para aparar arestas de código e documentação.


  • Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Digital, NPDD. O Núcleo envolve pessoas com conhecimento técnicos de varias comunidade e realidades da Rede. O NPDD é responsável pelo desenvolvimento e manutenção das ferramentas digitais da Rede, cuidando atualmente dos portais (,,,, das contas email ( e e de criar documentação de base sobre as ferramentas digitais.
  • Núcleo de Produção de Conteúdos, NPC. O Núcleo envolve pessoas com experiencia em pedagogia de varias comunidade e realidades da Rede. O NPC é responsável pela sistematização do material textual e audiovisual produzido nas comunidades e demais conteúdos abertos de interesse da Rede.
  • Núcleos de Formação Continuada, NFCs. Os NFCs são comunidades da Rede Mocambos mais estruturadas que assumiram o papel de multiplicadores regionais, através de praticas locais e de encontros chamados "Pajelanças Quilombolicas" (metodologia reconhecida como tecnologia social pela Fundação Banco do Brasil).

20 Technical requirements

Indicate any specific technologies the project is planning to adopt and why.

The project is based on mature Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to garantee the stability and long-term durability. The proposed architecture use "git" and "git-annex" as bases for the decentralizaed archive. Moreover we use "python" as main programming language, as it support a lot of situations. Other possible technologies will include:

The proposed network architecture use and connects different mature FOSS like:

  • OpenLDAP and/or Open-Id, to manage service's authentication and a unique shared account network;
  • Django e Python, to develop web applications, like the local portals in communities, to access and publish contents;
  • Git e git-annex, to manage decentralized and synced digital archive's contents/files;
  • Bash e cron, to automate tasks and backup operations.

A first prototype of the architecture for the digital archive and for synchronized local portals it's available in:

21 Risk Analysis/Project Constrains

List factors that could affect the project roll-out and detail the measures you will take to 
prevent/manage them.

The project propose a network system that envolve people in different places. Working with people remotely introduce more difficulties. Nonetheless we already scheduled meetings for training with 4 of this communities in cooperation with Casa de Cultura Tainã and "Secretaria de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial" of brazilian Presidency of the Republic.

22 Timeline of activities

Please provide a timeline of your Project activities. If you already have a timeline created in
a separate file, you may upload it to the Documents area, with a note here for the Committee
Objective Activity Result 1 trimester 2 trimester 3 trimester 4 trimester 5 trimester 6 trimester
Objective 1,2 Define System Requirements Specification A SRS for Rede Mocambos X
Objective 1 Design of accounting information and hierarchy User data and roles of Mocambos Network is organized X
Objective 1 Installation of main authentication system Common authentication system for Mocambos Network services is online X
Objective 1 Develop a script to automate installation of local authentication system Local authentication system ready for communities of Mocambos Network X
Objective 1 Connect local and online portal with authentication system Unified account working in local and online portal/service X
Objective 1,2 "Sprint" to design and prepare base code for digital archive's interface/application Validate SRS and base code to work on remotely X
Objective 2 Develop the digital archive's local interface/application Local system to publish and access multimedia contents X X
Objective 2 Develop interface/application to manage git/git-annex repositories Decentralized system to store, share and synchronize multimedia contents X X
Objective 1,2 "Pajelança Quilombólica Digital", Mocambos Newtork meeting, focused on the decentralized network infrastructure People of local communities trained and shared experiences about the developed system. Prototype and documentation delivered to 5 communities/NFCs X
Objective 1,2 Follow and support NFCs. Correct eventual errors and bugs of the system Validated and improved system X
Objective 1,2 "Sprint" to revolve problems and implements priority improvements to the system. Final tested version of the system X
Objective 1,2 Publish the final version of the system and of documentation System and documentation for decentralized network architecture and digital contents archive available to the general public X

23 Beneficiaries

List key stakeholder groups and individuals that will be interested in your Project outputs and/or
will be affected by them.

Communities connected to Mocambos Network, actually around two hundred communities (200) in eighteen (18) brazilian states. The project initially will be implemented in five (5) more structured quilombolas communities, called "Núcleos de Formação Continuada, NFCs", Kernels of continuous education". Produced software, contents and documentation will be published on Internet with open licence.

A map of communities that participate to Mocambos Network is available at (user and password: "livre"):

24 Evaluation & Impact

Indicate how you will evaluate the success of the project. How will you know if the project
has succeeded in meeting its S.M.A.R.T. goals?

O acompanhamento dos andamentos dos objetivos do projeto é facilitado pela metodologia de desenvolvimento adotada e suas ferramentas de comunicação. Em particular, de acordo com os Objetivos do projeto:

  • Objetivo 1:
    • registro de log do git, que mantém todas as mudanças efetuadas no código e seus autores;
    • documentação colaborativa em wiki, que mantém todas as versões com possibilidades de reverter as mudanças, comparar entre uma versão e outra, e identificar os autores das contribuições;
    • numero e estatística de uso dos usuários cadastrados no sistema.
  • Objetivo 2:
    • os conteúdos adicionados ao acervo têm registro de log completo por serem armazenados em repositórios git-annex (data, autor, comunidade/lugar).
  • Objetivo 3:
    • numero de conteúdos transferidos do acervo distribuído ao catálogo D-space/Greenstone;
    • numero de conteúdos encaminhados para patrimoniamento ao IPHAN e a UNESCO.

25 Outputs & Dissemination Plan

State what the project will deliver and how the results/information will be shared with
stakeholders and the community

26 Sustainability

Describe how the project will continue after ISOC’s funds are done. List the potential project
results that might be taken forward, how will you find further financial support to make them
sustainable in the long term.

A Rede Mocambos é uma iniciativa em andamento, articulada dentre diversas organizações em diferentes localidades. Seus Núcleos de trabalho têm diferentes estratégias de sustentabilidade, já em implementação. O presente pedido de apoio tem por objetivo criar as condições para investir no desenvolvimento de um tipo de solução tecnológica que a pressão das demandas cotidianas sempre tende a adiar: alternativas tecnológicas escaláveis, autônomas e que façam frente à instabilidade estrutural do acesso à internet por comunidades periféricas. Não estamos tratando de inventar alternativas tecnológicas que criem mais dependência. Muito pelo contrário: a busca aqui é pela autonomia tecnológica, criando tecnologias que se sustentarão no próprio uso pelas diferentes comunidades. Em termos práticos, o Projeto conta com a participação direta dos NFCs, onde serão instalados os primeiros servidores locais. Cada Núcleo provê de maneira autônoma a gestão local, garantindo acesso público aos espaços e aos recursos como o telecentro. Todos os telecentros da Rede Mocambos, através da parceria com os programas Telecentros.BR e GESAC, garantem máquinas para acesso (10 computadores), conexão internet por satélite e uma bolsa para monitor. A Casa de Cultura Tainã, promotora da Rede Mocambos, disponibiliza a infraestrutura logística da Casa e os recursos necessários para residências de desenvolvimento e os encontros presenciais, como as Pajelanças Quilombólicas, para troca de conhecimentos e formação. A Casa de Cultura Tainã sustenta as ações da Rede Mocambos, desde que lançou este projeto em 2001, através da busca de parceiros institucionais públicos e privados, além de contar com colaboradores nacionais e internacionais.

Em detalhe contribuirão a manutenção e sustentabilidade:

  • Objetivo 1 e 2 - A rede de servidores locais e o acervo descentralizado serão mantidos com apoio do NFCs:
    • Casa de Cultura Tainã, Campinas/SP
    • Comunidade do Jongo Dito Ribeiro, Campinas/SP
    • Terreiro Ponto de Cultura Coco de Umbigada, Olinda/PE
    • Casa do Boneco/Quilombo d'Oiti, Itacaré/BA
    • Instituto Sociocultural Afro-Sul Odomode, Porto Alegre/RS

28 Other Sources of Support

Please list all the individuals, organizations , or other Internet Society Chapters that are providing
support to your project, in either the form of cash or in-kind donations.
Ferramentas pessoais
Espaços nominais
Rede Mocambos